New customs code coming into force on 1st may 2016

Friday 19th february 2016 - from 03.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m. Via Portazzolo, 9 - Mantova


Purpose of the meeting: taking stock of the most important and latest news in terms of customs and tax matters, for companies having business relationships with foreign Countries.

Close attention will be paid to the news contained in the New EU Customs Code 2016.

The meeting caters to: executives and persons in charge of both the Foreign Customer Relation Department and the Accounting Department


- New EU Customs Code
- Practical effects for companies

- A new requirement to obtain AEO (Authorized Economic Operator)

Focus on some particularly important matters:
  • export operations: proof of export; use of pro-forma invoices and final export invoices; prohibitions to export 
  • import operations: how to properly execute customs formalities and issue (also deferred) payments of customs duties
  • risks linked to the classification of goods: BTI's requirements (BTI = Binding Tariff Information)
Speaker: Alessandro Dotti, Mantova Export's Managing Director.

Participation in the seminar is FREE OF CHARGE.

To participate please send your email message to 
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