organizzazione orlandelli srl

organizzazione orlandelli srl
Via Lombardi, 26;
Curtatone (Mantova)

Telephone n° +39 0376 960311
Telefax n° +39 0376 960303

ORGANIZZAZIONE ORLANDELLI Srl is a leading company in the design of points of sale and in the supply of equipment for the display and handling of plants and flowers.
Thanks to over thirty years of experience in the horticultural sector, the Orlandelli Team offers solutions that are always updated, practical and suitable for every need for professionals in the garden world: from products for handling plants and flowers, such as DC trolleys, to exhibition concepts with the purpose of creating emotional scenographic islands for the passionate customers of the Green.
We offer our customers a complete, 360 ° purchase experience: from the visit to our Showroom to telephone contact with our experts, until the possibility of shopping online on in comfort, from all over the world.
The Design Team offers experience and professionalism to come up with a tailor-made project suited to the characteristics of each store: from the largest nurseries and garden centers, to the agricultural and small flower shop.
From a simple plan we study the purchase layout of a store and renovate the exhibition spaces to impress the many, new and young Garden Lovers who have approached the world of plants and flowers: it's time to renovate, it's time for new projects.
It is the same for us at Organizzazione Orlandelli: from November 2021 the new headquarters in Curtatone, on the outskirts of Mantua, has been operational. The transition was necessary to offer an optimal level of service, in a strategic position with the main purpose to have a constant international expansion.

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