panguaneta spa

panguaneta spa
Via G. Solazzi, 6/19

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Plywood for life
 An upstanding industrial reality

Established in 1960 in Sabbioneta - today a UNESCO World Heritage site, Panguaneta is an authentic Italian company.  Located in the charming district of the Oglio–Po Rivers, its core business consists in the cultivation of poplars that yield a prestigious wood which Panguaneta skilfully transforms into plywood with innovative performance features. Deeply rooted in the land of its birth, Panguaneta is the driving force of concrete sustainability, which involves every corporate asset in a dynamic manner. Through the production of a plywood which is recognized a top player in the global market, Panguaneta certifies the features of Italian design, skilfully involving every phase of the industrial life cycle with spinoffs in terms of valuable partnerships with producers, designers and architects throughout the world.

Though it belongs to the wood-processing district, Panguaneta has set up a know-how system that is able to innovate production processes, oversee complex management strategies and anticipate market trends and demands. Due to an in-depth knowledge and traceability of its supply chain, Panguaneta has gained its standing as a highly qualified leader in the sector.

Panguaneta takes pleasure in sharing with its clients, its longstanding experience which is a solid asset of the company since it has always been a client-centred company.  Panguaneta products are a faithful picture of products bearing the “Made in Italy” label, and are items that are able to impact on the evolution of the market and create relations that go beyond concrete customer needs, thus boosting each client’s business performance.

From traceability to technical and environmental certifications, Panguaneta undertakes to support the conservation of resources with actions aimed at achieving energy effectiveness and efficiency, in compliance with FSC® and PEFC™ forestry standards. Upon maintaining the Environmental System in observance of the requisites of UNI EN ISO 14001, Panguaneta also confirms its own responsible behaviour towards its stakeholders, from suppliers to customers, employees and the local community.

Turnover 2016: Euro 57.000.000
Employees: 200
Export: 90%
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