raccorderie metalliche spa

raccorderie metalliche spa
Strada Sabbionetana, 59

Telephone n° +39 0376 96001
Telefax n° +39 0376 96422


Raccorderie Metalliche S.p.A., was founded in 1970 by President Ceccardi PierLuigi, today it is considered the European leader in the production of:
  • Carbon steel Welded and threaded fitting
  • Stainless steel Welded and threaded fitting
  • Collars for pipe clamping and fixing systems
  • Plugs and accessories for radiators
In 2000 the company introduced the press fitting systems that, with their highest quality, are certificated by the most important European organisations.
Today, Inoxpres® (the press fitting system in stainless steel AISI 316L) and Steelpres® (the press fitting system in galvanized carbon steel), represents the core business of Raccorderie Metalliche.
The company has two important plants located in the province of Mantua (Italy) and supported by subsidiary Company, Inoxpres S.A. (Barcelona-Spain) and RM Pressfitting GmbH (Munich - Germany).
Raccorderie Metalliche S.p.A. is a company certificated UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 since 1994.


press fitting systems, stainless and carbon steel welding/threaded fittings, collars and fixing systems, plugs and accessories for radiators
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