rampi francesco e figlio paolo srl

rampi francesco e figlio paolo srl
RAMPI Francesco e figlio Paolo s.r.l.
Via Europa, 21/23

Telephone n° +39 0376 390252
Telefax n° +39 0376 397981

For over fifty years the Rampi Company has been working in the field of production and sale of detergents, solvents, additives, accessories, equipment and services for dry cleaning. Rampi S.r.l., with it's 15.000 customers, today can be considered the leader in the Italian market of detergents and services for dry cleaning. The quality and the efficiency of the products is guaranteed by continuos and detailed research camped out in Rampi's laboratories with the collaboration of University Institutes. Over the years particolar attention has been paid to the reduction in the environmental impact of dry cleaning activity. The network for the collection of dangerous dry cleaning waste is the most widespread and reliable in Italy. Rampi is still improving their detergents, whether in terms of ecological quality and in safety use. The international market is still appreciating the performance of the Rampi's products that's why more and more European customers are using our dry cleaning detergents.


Dry cleaning detergents Dry cleaning solvents Prespottings Finishing products Softening products Dry cleaning spray products Water detergents Antistatic products Acid adsorbent products Purifier devices All accessories for dry cleaning shops.
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